Hall and rooms for hire
Paddock Wood Freemasons Hall Limited. Updated 19Aug24
57 Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6DJ
Terms and Conditions of Hire
1 Application for Bookings
(A) All applications for the hire of the available facilities at The Hall must be made on the standard Booking Form provided by the Board of Directors of The Hall Company. All Functions must be of a private nature, unless authorised by the Board of Directors.
(B) The Booking Form is to be completed in full, signed by the applicant and forwarded to our Booking Facilitator at the address shown on the Booking Form.
(C) The Hall is not obliged to accept any booking request received and reserves the right to refuse any booking request without explanation. The receipt of a completed Booking Form does not constitute acceptance of booking or any contract between the applicant and The Hall Company. The applicant will be notified of an acceptance of the proposed booking by confirmation email or alternatively by post. The Hirer must then, within 7 days, pay a £50 non-refundable BOOKING FEE. Non-receipt of this Booking Fee within 7 days of the confirmation of the booking will result in the cancellation of the booking under email or postal advice to the Hirer.
2. Use of Premises
(A) It is a condition of letting that the MAXIMUM number of persons admitted to The Hall shall not exceed, 100 persons seated for dining, or else 125.
(B) The Hall Company reserves the right to levy additional charges (currently £50 per hour or part thereof) on the Hirer should they exceed the allotted period of hire as set out on their Booking Form. Please note. The period of hire on the Booking Form should include any ‘’set-up, clearance and lock-up time’’ which may be required as agreed by The Hall Company in advance.
(C) The Hirer shall not permit any part of The Premises to be used for any purpose which may cause nuisance, damage, annoyance or inconvenience to the catering, bar or other appointed staff, the general public, or any other persons using a separate part of The Premises at the same time, or occupiers of adjoining properties or the surrounding neighbourhood.
(D) The Premises may not be used for unlawful or immoral activities. The Premises are constantly monitored and recorded by CCTV cameras and it is the Hirer’s sole responsibility to make all users aware that they are being monitored and recorded and that any recordings requested by the police or other authorised authorities will, upon their request, be provided to them.
(E) All rubbish, waste food and any other such detritus generated during the period of the Hirer’s function shall be the sole responsibility of the Hirer to remove from The Premises and it is the Hirer’s responsibility to leave The Premises in a clean and tidy condition except when paying a separate cleaning fee as specified in the Booking Form.
(F) No drawing pins, tapes, glues or other such fixing methods are to be used to affix items to the physical fabric of The Premises. (Blue-Tac or White-Tac is acceptable)
3 Maintenance of Good Order
(A) The Hirer may be required to close, vacate or restrict the use of any part of The Premises, or The Premises as a whole, should it appear necessary or desirable in the interest of good order, or to prevent damage or injury to those present, as decided by The Hall Company, The Designated Premises Supervisor or any other person acting on behalf of The Hall.
(B) The Hirer is responsible for all damage sustained by The Hall, or any equipment therein, incurred during the period of the hire and the Hirer will be required to recompense The Hall Company accordingly.
(C) If any part of the premises is used for any purpose different from that for which was specified in the Booking Form by the Hirer, the Board of Directors, The Designated Premises Supervisor or Authorised Staff may, at any time during the period of the hire, terminate the proceedings without any liability by The Hall Company to The Hirer.
(D) No person or persons shall hold or promote an event on The Premises that has chargeable tickets available to the general public without the written permission of the Designated Premises Supervisor.
4 Use of Equipment
(A) The Hirer may have use of specified hall equipment with the permission of, and subject to, the control of the Board of Directors, Designated Premises Supervisor or Authorised Staff.
(B) All electrical equipment that may be hired-in or supplied by The Hirer must have valid Portable Appliance Test (P.A.T.) Certification, which should be made available for inspection upon request.
5 Supply of Liquor, Food & Consumables
No alcoholic drinks may be consumed on the premises unless purchased from the bar, therefore corkage is not permitted or available
The Hirer shall comply with all the Provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 (as amended) and shall ensure that all attending persons do so. Due to the residential location of The Hall, the bar will cease trading at 11.00pm.
The Hirer shall not bring or attempt to bring onto The Premises any product for consumption without specific authority from Authorised Staff acting on behalf of the Board of Directors, e.g. The Booking Facilitator, or the bar staff on the day.
Children under 13 are not permitted in the bar or bar lounge areas without adult supervision.
6 Fire
(A) It is The Hirer’s responsibility to make themselves and all guests that they may have fully conversant with the positioning of all FIRE EXITS, call points and fire extinguishers.
(B) The Hirer must ensure that nothing obstructs the passageways or doors to any fire exit during the period of hire.
7 Loss or Damage:
(A) Neither the Board of Directors, the Designated Premises Supervisor nor any other Authorised Staff shall be held responsible for any loss or damage to any property of, or belonging to, The Hirer or any guests or persons attending The Premises arising during the period of the hiring, nor for any losses, damage, or injury which the Hirer or any guests or persons resorting in The Premises during the period of the hire may incur, arising from any cause whatsoever, or may suffer.
(B) The Board of Directors reserve the right to demand an upfront damage security deposit of £250.00, which will be refunded if the fabric of The Premises and/or facilities is not damaged during the term of hire.
(C) If any damage should occur to the building or its contents during the period of the hire it must be advised to the Designated Premises Supervisor or Authorised Staff as soon as is practicable.
8 Data Protection – Data Control
(A) The Hirer’s personal details are retained on the Booking Facilitators password protected personal computer within contacts and on the manual file copy of the completed Booking Form. Details of our Data Protection Policy may be found at www.paddockwoodmasonichall.org . Details will be erased upon request, following the hire completion date.
9 Payment of invoices
(A) All invoices to be paid within 14 days of receipt.
(B) In respect of any bookings made 30 days or more in advance a final invoice will be issued 28 days before the event and must be paid within 14 days of the date of the invoice or the booking will be cancelled under email advice.
The Hall – all those premises known as The Freemasons Hall, 57 Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6DJ
The Premises - all those premises known as The Freemasons Hall, 57 Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6DJ
The Hall Company – Paddock Wood Freemasons Hall Limited – Company Reg No 00200709
Board of Directors – all those directors of Paddock Wood Freemasons Hall Limited
Booking Form – Standard document as provided by The Hall Company specifically for the purpose of hall bookings
Booking Facilitator – that person designated as such by the Board of Directors
Hirer – a booking applicant who has received confirmation from Booking Facilitator that their booking request has been agreed
Designated Premises Supervisor – that person designated as such by the Board of Directors
Authorised Staff – any person, or persons, acting on behalf of The Hall Company or Designated Premises Supervisor